Ritu Sinha Jayanti celebrated on February 22nd, 2015

Ritu Sinha Jayanti 2015 was celebrated at School of Creative Learning (Ritu Sinha Knowledge Centre for Creative Learning) on February 22nd, 2015. On this occasion, Ritu Sinha Charitable Foundation Inc, US generously gifted an Audio-Microphone system to the school. 

खेल से खुलते शिक्षा के द्वार – SCL featured in India Today

खेल से खुलते शिक्षा के द्वार – बच्चों में सृजन चिंतन शक्ति का बहुआयामी विकास करता एक विद्यालय संजय कुमार झा कक्षा में कुछ नन्हें बच्चे अपने मेज़ कुर्सियों को जोड़ने की जद्दोजहद में लगे हैं । अरे ! यह तो बतख़ का आकार बन गया । उनके चेहरे पर सफलता का भाव उभरता है […]

Catch ’em young – School of Creative Learning featured in Sunday Times

Catch ‘em young… & make them learn with fun School of Creative Learning covered in Sunday Times 21st Sep 1997 ‘Be Creative or Perish’. This is the motto of the ‘School of Creative Learning’ situated at Shastrinagar (Patna). The purpose is not only to increase the learning skills of the children, but to also sow […]

School of Creative Learning established in 1997

School of Creative Learning began its journey in April 1997 in temporary premises along Bailey Road in Shastrinagar, Patna under the leadership of Dr Mridula Prakash, an eminent educationist with the track record of establishing several DAV Public Schools across the state of Bihar in Jehanabad, Aurangabad and Shastrinagar, Patna. The school started with classes […]

Association for Promotion of Creative Learning established in 1997

In 1997, Association for Promotion of Creative Learning (APCL) was established as a not-for-profit organisation. Later in 1998, it was registered under the Society Registration Act (1860). Its founding President was Dr Ajay Kumar, Senior Urologist & Former President, IMA and its founding Executive President was Shri Vijoy Prakash, Indian Administrative Services (IAS).