Kanka Gajendra Centre for Inclusive Learning
Count Ability, Not Disability
The Kanka Gajendra Centre for Inclusive Learning has been established within the School of Creative Learning premises by the Association for Promotion of Creative Learning in collaboration with The Kanka Gajendra Foundation.
It focuses on the identification of learning difficulties and development of educational tools and learning materials to aid children according to their learning styles. The centre is currently researching on learning disorders such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and ADHD, among others. It is envisaged to become a leading research and resource centre for inclusive learning in the country.
The idea for establishing such a centre in Patna was propounded at the International Conference on Educational and Social Inclusion 2011 held at School of Creative Learning, Patna, Bihar, India. The conference was organised by the Association for Promotion of Creative Learning (India) and the Kanka-Gajendra Foundation (UK).
The Kanka Gajendra Foundation
The Kanka-Gajendra Foundation aims to be the vehicle to promote the act of giving back to facilitate positive change in the lives of people through improvement in the areas of education, health, economic self-sustainability and multi-cultural awareness. It works in the above areas to foster sustainable well-being.
The Kanka-Gajendra Foundation is registered with The Charity Commission UK. Registered Number 1124124.

The Context
Every child is unique. They have a natural style of learning which is not only dependent on their genetic disposition at birth, but is also affected by the environment of upbringing. When they go to school, they are subjected to a new way of learning. If this way of learning is compatible with their natural style of learning, their pace of learning progresses well. However, at times, many of them start feeling alienated and either they drop out or settle down as low achievers. Such children also have suicidal tendencies, which has resulted in a sharp increase in suicide cases among children due to failure in schools.
One of the main challenges of education today is to ensure success to all children. The inclusive learning model should ensure success to all children. APCL has been working for the promotion of creativity and creative learning among all children. The Kanka Gajendra Centre for Inclusive Learning is being set up to supplement the efforts to ensure that each child gets exposed the right way of learning as per his or her natural way of learning.
The centre also lays emphasis on proper counselling of parents so that they also take care of children right from the womb. They should also be familiarised with the processes of handling children in case they are not able to perform as per their potential in their schools. Teachers are also required to undergo training to handle the learning requirements of each individual.
- To help children in realizing their total learning potential
- To provide counseling services to parents, relatives and teachers of children and young people to deal with their specific
learning needs - To train teachers and caregivers in managing special learning needs of children
- To provide counseling to children for enhancement of their learning ability
- To provide counseling to parents for creating enabling environment for their children for maximizing their learning ability
- To train teachers in the techniques of managing children with learning difficulty
<!-- Ceremony for Unveiling the Statue of Dr Kanka Mallick at KGCIL -->
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The unveiling ceremony of the statue of Dr Kanka Mallick was organised at the Kanka Gajendra Centre for Inclusive Learning at the School of Creative Learning. KGCIL has been established in the memory of the learned professor Dr Kanka Mallick, wife of Professor Emeritus Dr Gajendra Verma, an authority in Educational Psychology. The purpose of the centre is to provide teaching, learning & research in the fields of educational, psychological and social issues for economically disadvantaged girls and boys with special educational and emotional needs. The school will also provide services to underprivileged children with learning difficulties.
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The International Conference on Educational and Social Inclusion 2011 was organised at the Ritu Sinha Knowledge Centre for Creative Learning by the Association for Promotion of Creative Learning (APCL), Patna in partnership with the Kanka Gajendra Foundation (KGF), UK and India and in collaboration with the State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Bihar.
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The seminar made valuable contributions to the ongoing discussion in the country on inclusion, and was attended by a galaxy of speakers from Asia, Europe, US and Middle East.